About AAF Flanders
AAF Flanders is the world's largest manufacturer of air filtration solutions. We are proud to offer a broad range of state-of-the-art air filters designed for use in Residential applications.
Our Filter Change Reminder program brings you convenience – in addition to clean air – through automatic updates sent directly to your phone.
How does it work?
It's pretty simple. Once you register your filter and select your desired changeout frequency, you will begin to receive reminders to change out your filter. You can either register by scanning the QR code on the sticker on your filter, or by clicking the link below. Register here.
If you need help with scanning the QR code, just follow these step-by-step directions:
- Open the camera app on your smart phone or tablet.
- Locate the Filter Change Reminder sticker in the upper right-hand corner on your filter before you install
- Hold your device so that the QR code on the sticker appears in the viewfinder in the camera. Your device will recognize the QR code and show a notification.
- Tap the notification to open the link. This link will take you to the Filter Change Reminder registration form.
How do I register a filter?
- Complete the registration form. Once you arrive at the Filter Change Reminder registration form, fill out all of the required fields.
- Select your reminder date. We recommend that you look for language on the packing of the filter, i.e., "lasts up to 90 days" for guidance. If you are concerned about allergies, pets, or any respiratory issues, we suggest changing your filter more frequently than this recommendation. Example: If you have severe allergies and purchased a 90-day filter, you might select 60 days for this filter. Be conservative. If you still aren't sure about what reminder date to set, remember that sooner is always better.
What happens next?
Once you've successfully registered your air filter, you are ready to install it. For installation tips, click here.
Based on the filter change frequency and communication preference that you select, you can expect an email or text when it is time to change your filter.
Once you receive your reminder, we ask that you follow the steps within the email or text message you've received.
- If you selected an email reminder, you will receive an email message. This message will have two button options.
- If you are happy with this filter change frequency, click the “Renew Reminder” button in the email to renew your reminder.
- If for any reason you wish to change your filter change frequency (different type of filter, different MERV rating, etc.), you can click “Update Preferences”. Clicking that button takes you back to the registration form, where you can update your preferences.
If you've chosen SMS/text messages, the reminder messaging process works the same way. Rather than receiving email messages, you'll respond to the text message reminders on your phone or tablet. All the commands you will need will be listed within the text messages that you receive.
Notifications: for procrastinators...
You know who you are, and we know that life happens. Here’s what your notifications will look like if you fall a bit behind.
Regardless of your notification preferences – email vs. text, 30- vs. 60- vs. 90-day changeout frequency – we've got you covered!
- Three days late We will send you a reminder to change your air filter. It will allow you to renew your existing reminder, or to reset your preferences.
- Eight days late We will send you another notification that you are officially eight days past due on your air filter change. It might not seem like a long time, but you’re more than a week overdue. You will be prompted to renew your existing reminder or set a new schedule.
- Fifteen days late All right, all right, we understand: You're busy. This will be the last and final attempt to reach you. Be sure to click the correct buttons within the notification to renew or register new preferences. Failure to complete any action within 48 hours of this last notification results in an automatic termination of your Filter Change Reminder subscription. Of course, you can re-register for our Filter Change Reminder program again at any time.
There's more...
Our goal is for our people to be more conscious of the quality of the air they breathe. You can take control of your own indoor air quality. We want to help you do just that with this hassle-free reminder tool, as well as give you some great advice, tips, and ideas to start breathing cleaner air, right now.
Visit our blog to stay up-to-date.
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